Trim Slice Minuscule LAPTOP Design Attribute in addition to Specification

Trim Slice Minuscule LAPTOP Design Attribute in addition to Specification – This specific Toned Piece LAPTOP can be the tiniest LAPTOP by using power successful attribute. Piece Toned LAPTOP through CompuLab own specs exactly like the Healthy PC3 with the exception that smaller sized size is definitely 130mm x 95mm x 15mm.

Here’s the total specification regarding Toned Piece LAPTOP.
: One NVIDIA Tegra a couple of Dual Central 1GHz by using EQUIP Cortex A9
involved ultra-low power GeForce GPU
: Memory MEMORY one particular GB DDR2-800
: Storage devices backup by using SD memory, microSD as well as SATA SSD
: Wi-Fi 802. 11n, Bluetooth in addition to Ethernet one particular GB
: Connection to that watch: HDMI one particular. several Complete HIGH-DEFINITION in addition to DVI (Dual Head)
: Acustic: Stereo system line-out, line-in, 5. one particular electronic digital AZINES / PDIF
: Video-in: PAL / NTSC

: POST / O: 4x USB a couple of. 0 plug-ins, 1x USB in addition to RS-232
: Power: 8-16 V, several watts ordinary

Piece Toned LAPTOP scheduled that they are released within 04 this specific even so the value is not there.

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